Another painting of the Royal Crescent, but this time it's up close - up close and personal...

A few things of interest:
- A squirrel runs across the road and up the steps. He pauses, sniffing the air before running off into the small garden underneath the left hand window.
- Some media type peepel turn up for a photo shoot and this model runs up and down in front of me with a dog at her heels while the photographer snaps away with his impressive lens.
- The squirrel comes back. He's carrying something big in his mouth as he scampers down the steps and back across the road to safety.
- The media peepel turn up again, but this time the model is in a different outfit. No running this time, but still with the dog. She tries to look thoughtful yet stylish while still holding a big model grin.
- Someone laughs wildly in the distance. Whatever it was, I can't believe it was that funny.